“Made in Jablonec 2023”
We are very proud to introduce you a couple of pictures from the fashion show “MADE IN JABLONEC 2023”. This fashion show is organized every year and includes glass production companies which present their products in cooperation with designers and art schools in our region.
Our beads were part of this event – thanks to Zita Lamacova who is well-known bead designer and it is our pleasure to cooperate with her for years. Zita prepared the complete model for the show. She designed and completely made by hand amazing outfits together with jewelry including our beads.
Naše korálky byly i letos součástí módní přehlídky “Made in Jablonec 2023”, kterou pořádá každoročně Svaz výrobců skla a bižuterie.
Ve spolupráci s designérkou Zitou Lamačovou vznikly dvě nádherné sady šperků. Ty skvěle doplnily ručně pletené modely, které vznikly jak jinak než také pod rukama paní Zity.